# Active Incidents
The active incidents page will show a list of all active incidents dispatched by you. Clicking on one of the incidents in the list will provide you with more detailed information.
# Incident list
This list will show all active incidents. Clicking on one of the incidents in the list will bring you to the monitoring page.
You can use the search box to filter active incidents if you list becomes too large.
# Monitoring incident
When you click on one of your active incidents you will be brought to a page to view information about this ongoing incident.
# Description
At the top you will see a toolbar that includes information about the incident such as type and address.
Close Incident
You can use the Close Incident Button to close the incident. This will remove it from your active incidents list.
Alternatively incidents are automatically closed for you when each of the departments close the incident.
# Responder Stats
The responder stats section will show information about the departments that have been dispatch to this incident. It will show a breakdown of the responders for each department, and what their responses were.
If a department closes the incident, they will show on the list in a closed state.
# Mapping
The map will show the location of the departments that are responding in relation to the incident.
Map Type
You can change the type of map between street view and satellite view.