# Getting Started

Below is some information you will need to get you started with your FireQ Dispatch Module.

# Getting There


You can access your dispatch module by visiting this link Dispatch Module (opens new window)

# Logging In

Once you visit this link (opens new window) you will be presented with a login screen.

Please login with the credentials you have been provided.

Login Screen

Once you have successfully been logged in you will be presented with your dashboard.


You will only need to login once. Next time you visit your dispatch module we will automatically remember you.

If you don't want to remain logged in, you can logout.


Trouble logging in?

If you have trouble logging in, or if you don't remember your login credentials. Contact us for instructions on how to proceed.

# Logging Out

Click the logout button


You will be prompted with a confirmation. Click Yes to logout.

Logout Confirmation